Living With Your Significant Other

January 25, 2021

Tired of packing a bag each night before heading over to your partner's home, then accidentally forgetting your phone charger or worse--leaving it there? You've talked about the possibility of moving in together here and there so maybe it's time to take action. More couples are living together before marriage now than ever. People want to know who they'll be living with and would rather not have it be a surprise later on. They want to see how cohabitation would work an dhow they'll interact with one another. Whether you're moving in together tomorrow or a couple months down the road, we have advice for you to be prepared for this big decision in any relationship.

Have realistic expectations

Before signing the lease, have conversations to get an idea of what you're walking into. There's a pretty great chance the way you were brought up and the lifestyle you have is not the same as your significant other's. You may be wondering why your girlfriend is walking around the apartment with her shoes on because you were taught to leave them at the front door when you were little. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink may not seem like a big deal but to your significant other it's their biggest pet peeve. Let's put it this way: your flaws are on full display now that you're sharing a living space and while you may not notice them, they're standing out to your partner. Compromise (and patience) will play a huge role when dating and even more when living with your romantic partner. At the end of the day they're still your roommate and you should treat them as such. Delegate chores and both do your part in maintaining a home. If you need help and don't know where to start, refer to our previous blogs for assistance!

Remember to take time for yourself

Before signing the lease, have conversations to get an idea of what you're walking into. There's a pretty great chance the way you were brought up and the lifestyle you have is not the same as your significant other's. You may be wondering why your girlfriend is walking around the apartment with her shoes on because you were taught to leave them at the front door when you were little. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink may not seem like a big deal but to your significant other it's their biggest pet peeve. Let's put it this way: your flaws are on full display now that you're sharing a living space and while you may not notice them, they're standing out to your partner. Compromise (and patience) will play a huge role when dating and even more when living with your romantic partner. At the end of the day they're still your roommate and you should treat them as such. Delegate chores and both do your part in maintaining a home. If you need help and don't know where to start, refer to our previous blogs for assistance!

With new space comes new love

In times where you may be second-guessing yourself, remember why you made this decision in the first place. It could have been to save money since you were already spending the night at their place and this was the logical choice. It could be because you were wanting to take the next step in your relationship and see if this could work in the long haul. Heck, it could have been because you were desperate to move out of your parent's house. Whatever it was, remember it in challenging moments. Once you're able to do this you'll see the decision and relationship in a new light. Moving forward in any relationship will present challenges and rewards. You may have to tidy up your home more than usual or have to get rid of some clothes because you're now sharing a closet. But now you have someone to cook dinner with, have movie marathons with and snuggle up to at the end of the day. You'll get to know things about each other every day which you wouldn't have known unless you decided to take the leap.

Unfortunately not all relationships will last in the long haul. Be sure to have an exit strategy plan in case. Although a harsh reality, it's better to have the conversation than trying to scramble to find a new home or how to come up with the money to break a lease. Don't let this scare you. Moving in together is a HUGE step in any relationship; celebrate accordingly! Cheers to the both of you and the best of luck. Until next time!

-The Chillow Team