Moving Out Of Your Parent's House

February 8, 2021

Everyone eventually moves out of their parent's home but does anyone really know the easy way to make the transfer? You just turned eighteen. You're going to college and moving into a dorm. You've finally saved up enough money to become financially independent. No matter the situation, you're ready to move out. First off, congratulations! This is a huge milestone for anyone. Being on your own for the first time can be terrifying and stressful, yet exciting because it will help you grow into the person you're meant to be. Just in case the nerves are hitting a little extra for your big move, we've created a cheat sheet to assist you. Call it a survival guide if you'd like.

Have a game plan

The best way to be prepared (and not have to eventually move back in with your parents) is to do your research. If you're moving to a new city, familiarize yourself with the area and find out if there's a difference in living costs. If you're able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment in the area, amazing. If you're still needing to find a roommate, use a reliable source *cough cough* where you're able to look at the person's track record. Once you find a verified roommate, create a roommate agreement. What expectations do you have? Are you wanting to live in this space with this person short term or long? No one wants to prepare for the worst but you'll also need a plan if you start to struggle. The best solution is to confide in your roommate or parents. Be honest if you're not in a good place. If you need someone to lean on, use your new roomie. If you're missing home a little extra, text your parents about coming home for dinner. They're still your parents and there's no doubt they miss you too!

Create a budget

Trust us, you'll want to do this and the sooner the better. It's not fun eating ramen for a week straight because you miscalculated how much money was in your checking account over the weekend. The simplest way to do this is to create an excel spreadsheet and calculate your earnings and expenses for each month. Things you'll want to include are rent, utilities, groceries, gas, spending money, etc. Remember to have some form of an emergency fund. No one envisioned being in a pandemic (or for this long) but we're here living it. Take it as a lesson to save when you can. One of the most important and liberating lessons of adulthood is to become financially independent. Stick to your monthly budget so you don't have to worry about not being able to afford next month's rent.

The perfect home takes time

If everyone could have an apartment the way Pinterest shows, all would be right in the world. Remember good things take time! Inspiration boards are amazing to hold onto the photo until you can afford those items. In the meantime, stick to the essentials: a mattress, bed frame, kitchen table and chairs, couch, etc. Once you and your roommate are able to afford decorations, there are tons of places to find what you're looking for at discounted prices. Go to your local thrift store to see what they're carrying! Wanting to find something virtually instead? Facebook Marketplace has so many gems waiting for you! Getting crafty and doing it yourself is always an option too.

Leaving home can be bittersweet. Saying goodbye to home cooked meals, your mom occasionally doing your laundry or even just being around familiar faces. These feelings are completely normal and valid. The important thing is you were able to make the decision in confidence because you're at a point in life where you can make it on your own! Saying goodbye to living with your parents doesn't mean saying goodbye to them forever. This newfound freedom is well worth the process and we cannot wait to see where you take off! Thanks for reading and the best of luck to you.

-The Chillow Team